2014 Annual Report: Growing Together

Today Abingdon Square Conservancy published Growing Together, its annual report to the community for 2014. The report provides information about the organization’s accomplishments, financials and donors in 2014, and its 2015 projected revenue and expenses.  

The Square is solely dependent on private donations for its operation. To continue helping to maintain and improve our Square and our community, the Conservancy’s donors and volunteers, as well as countless other supporters, are absolutely vital to the Square’s well-being. Please see pages 20-24 of the annual report to view all of our supporters in 2014.

View or download the 2014 Annual Report.

About the Conservancy

Abingdon Square Conservancy, a 501(c)3 non-profit charity, receives no public funding and is solely dependent on private donations for its operations. Our mission is to maintain and enhance the Square as a scenic and historic landmark and as a friendly gathering place for all in the West Village, in all seasons. The Conservancy employs a horticulturalist to design and cultivate its plantings, and a groundskeeper to maintain the Square.