Thank You

Thank You.

As another year comes to an end and we look back, we want to thank each and every one of you for supporting Abingdon Square. You didn’t let torrential rain keep you from the 2nd annual Tulip Celebration in April. You made the Pumpkin Patch wonderful, funny and incredibly sweet with your inventive and whimsical carvings at Halloween. And rain and cold were no obstacles for you to welcome Santa at our inaugural holiday tree lighting ceremony earlier this month. You are the reason that our all-volunteer board of directors, the members of our advisory board and numerous other tireless, unpaid stewards of the Square work hard to make every experience that you have with your Square, in every season, an enjoyable one.

Wishing you and yours a 2015 full of good health and joy!

Best regards, 


H. Todd Hittle

Chair, Board of Directors

Abingdon Square Conservancy